
Automatic receiving table, type KOM-1W/2W

The receiving table, type KOM, can receive tubes or tubular elements in all sizes which can be compacted in the reducing rolling mills. The KOM is completely automatic and transfers the tubes or elements to a suitable container. It can e g be attached to all standard reducing rolling mills.


The tilting table is operated pneumatically.

The tube or element is pulled from the machine (e g the reducing rolling mill) after which the KOM is placed, by the with-drawing rolls and rests on an L-shaped support. As the receiving table is not tilted until the whole element is free from the mill and is resting on the
support, it will fall or roll down, in parallel into the container. The tubes/elements are bent as little as possible.

The one way receiving table, type KOM-1W, should be used together with equipment where only one way tilting is required, e g a GRANLUND reducing rolling mill.

The two way receiving table, type KOM-2W, can be used in line with the GRANLUND tube welding mill or with the length compensating machine. It can then sort out defective tubes or elements.


• Saves labour time
• Reduces bending of elements
• Makes automatic sorting possible (KOM-2W)

Technical information


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We provide technical solutions based on experience and expertise.

Granlund offers a wide range of high-quality products, decades of experience and cost-efficient solutions.