
Reducing rolling mill, type KOR-108

KOR-108 is a new reducing rolling mill. It has a steplessly controlled rolling speed, using only one motor. New gear boxes provide a very silent operation.

It is available with constant speed or a speed gradient between the roll pairs.

KOR-108 is easy to service and designed to work with existing GRANLUND bearing box assemblies. The production speed is higher compared with older types.

• Higher production speed, stepless control
• Very silent operation
• Variable speed ratio between roll pairs

The machines consist of:

– Machine stand with motor and transmission
– Transmission shafts
– Bearing box assembly with rolls (ground steel or tungsten carbide)
– Simpler type of straightening device (other straighteners available on request)


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Granlund offers a wide range of high-quality products, decades of experience and cost-efficient solutions.